Little TO-FU-JI and his brothers and sisters
When too perfect, lieber Gott boese, BOICE Planning,Tokyo, 2007.
A very privat iconoclasm, in a sense a reference to the suicides of Aokigahara,
the thick forest at the foot of Fujisan, which is also called the woods of the suicides.A central motive of this installative work is the mount Fuji to be on display as Saint Sebastian, penetrated by arrows in form of chop sticks. Deprived of his nimbus of being one-of-a-kind, the mount Fuji will be shown in a series of so called brothers and sisters. The Fujisan objects are made out of tofu, which means the vulnerability is already preassigned. The visitors are invited, to bring along 100 chop sticks, in order to use them for the so called “O-Hashi-throw”. The visitors are supposed to throw up their chop sticks, to follow visually all 100 falling chop sticks at the same time and listen to the sound, once the chop sticks touch the ground. The more visitors take part at the “O-Hashi-throw”, the more likely the chop-sticks-landscape will become a “O-Hashi-forest”.
© 2012 Toni Kleinlercher